Provide complete monthly local SEO for your website


Provide complete monthly local SEO for your website
Unlock the potential of your Local Business!

Tired of low rankings and hidden services? Experience a game-changing SEO boost with improved search engine visibility, a significant increase in organic traffic, and a stellar performance in local SEO. Don't miss out on dominating your local market!

⭐ Why Me?

· 3+ years experience as Project Manager and SEO Analyst!
· 50+ completed orders with a 5-star rating!
· Competitive Pricing!
· Fast turnaround!

⭐ What I offer?

Google My Business: Optimize GMB for you!
On-Site Optimization: Title Tag, Meta Description Tag, Images ALT, URL Fixing, H1/H2/H3.
Keyword Research: Research relevant and easy-to-rank keywords for your niche.
Schema Markup: Apply the most effective schema methodology.
Citation Building: Create quality Local Directory listings.
Backlink Building: Indexable links for your website.
Full report + recommendations (advise you for further optimization).

My Packages
Basic Package
$60StartUp Up to 3 Pages On-Site SEO, 10 Citations, Schema markup, 5 Keywords! 3 img GeoTag.
Standard Package $100
GrowBig 5 Pages On-Site SEO, 30 Citations, Schema markup, GeoTag 10 Images, 10 Keywords! 5 img GeoTag.Premium Package
Premium Package $170
GoGeek 10 Pages On-Site SEO, 50 Local Citations, Schema markup, GeoTag 20 IMG, 20 Keywords! 10 img GeoTag.

If you do not see results or if you are experiencing technical difficulties after the order is completed, please reach out to me. We will go over it together until we find a solution.

We work with any business that provides services within local areas.
Buy this service in two easy steps Order Now $60

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