design an elegant feminine signature logo
Welcome to my elegant feminine signature logo gig!
Need a Name/Personal Branding Signature logo?
You are at the Right place
Signature logo is the great way to represent you or your name/business in an elegant style.
You can use it as your signature brand in pictures, business cards, Social media, letters, websites, as a watermark etc.What you get:
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions
Thank you
Welcome to my elegant feminine signature logo gig!
Need a Name/Personal Branding Signature logo?
You are at the Right place
Signature logo is the great way to represent you or your name/business in an elegant style.
You can use it as your signature brand in pictures, business cards, Social media, letters, websites, as a watermark etc.What you get:
- Signature logo
- Signature in High Resolution and in any color and format you need
- You will receive high quality Signature Logo in .JPG, .PNG(Transparent) format .eps, .ai,.psd,pdf etc
- Unlimited revisions and Complete satisfaction.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions
Thank you
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